Sunday, November 09, 2008

What goes with a faux-hawk?

How 'bout a busted top and bottom lip? Sounds like that would complete the ensemble. I've got them now, since Hazel accidently slammed her head into my mouth as we were both bending down to look at hermit crabs at Petsmart. I wasn't in some sort of punk rock mom rumble at a club. It hurt terribly bad and my lips were bleeding as we checked out with our cat food and litter. If I didn't feel like a weirdo already, that cinched it. Plus my hair doesn't really look like a faux hawk now, it just looks like I have a bad haircut. Which I guess is the same thing. Ha! Oh, I guess it's not that bad. Off to get dinner and laundry done...

My Mid Life Crisis

Stupid? Immature?  I am 40 after all.  Can I really pull of a faux-hawk?  My hairdresser thinks so.  I asked him for something edgy and this is what he came up with.  It's also easy to push down or even make more hawky.  What's going on?  I figure, it's only hair.  Next week my life is changing drastically I needed to have something in my pocket to hold onto. I might go into surgery with it fully spiked.  Why not? Well I guess it wouldn't be too comfortable to lie on. It would give the nurses something to talk about.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

How we feel

Obama TV, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Still processing the news. Every time I hear it again, it thrills me, and tears nearly shoot out my eyes. My favorite moment, when I told Hazel the next morning. She was very excited- although I'm sure she doesn't understand. She just thinks that we were on team Obama and had a sign in our yard. I told her this was very historic, she asked-Why? I told her he was our first African American president- she said- What does that mean? I said- He has brown skin. She said- Really? That's silly that he's the first. Why hasn't there been any other? She has no concept of racism or what this all means. I've tried to explain things to her in the past, they talk about MLK at school, but it doesn't stick. And the labels definitely don't stick. I hope that goes for the rest of us soon. This is a start.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Dedicated to Lora and Andy...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This movie has freaked me out since I was a child and somehow saw it. Just recently recorded it, but don't know if I'm up to watching it! Scarier than any gory thing they've been putting out lately. Really scary if you turn off the lights and open the windows- I don't know what it is about opening the windows. All I know is I did it once and completely wigged out while watching this! And you have to watch it loud, because it's the noises that are the scariest part. Boo!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where have I been?

Gosh, it's been a while since I blogged. And I miss it. I started this whole project in the summer and I had lots of time. Since school started time has gotten a little tighter. Have to help with the homework, go to piano on Wednesdays and go to school twice a day. Also, I have been working a little at English Gardens. I take Lilah with me and we answer the phones and help around the place. It's been an interesting time learning how to juggle schedules. I've found that I'm not very good at it! My house is suffering, my hair is suffering, and for some reason the pores on my nose are growing larger each day. Don't know what that has to do with it all, but it certainly is disturbing. I don't know if anyone is even reading this or visiting anymore. People tend to forget when you don't update. If you're there, give me a little shout! There are so many things to talk about, but I can't think of them right now- I'm a bit tired and tomorrow is Halloween. It's going to be a crazy day. Trying to just take it all in and not miss anything.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Take a look at Fred and Ginger

This routine is so effortless, these were two extremely cool people. I love how they laugh and make it seem so natural that one could just break out in tap dancing. Fred Astaire is the most confident person I've seen on screen and Ginger Rogers is effervescent.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Greetings from Caterpillar Land

caterpillar 2008, originally uploaded by bossamama.

It's been a busy month. I'm trying to get back to blogging, I enjoy it too much to stop. These caterpillars are eating the Butterfly Weed I bought a few weeks ago. I haven't even planted them in the ground, just set the pots in the garden. The caterpillars found them and started to feast. The fat little guys just couldn't wait. This somehow symbolizes the way life has been going lately- but can't quite put it into words in these few minutes I have. I'll think about it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I wish I was asleep

You're not the boss of me.

I have been gone for a while, practically the whole month of September! Adjusting to school, new schedules and working a little myself, all while dealing with a two year old (see photo.) It's been tiring and in my free time I've been working on my yard and house. I'll be back soon when I figure out how to fit blogging into my new schedule. I do miss it.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Left alone with loud music

I actually got very hungry for cookies and brownies while making this, advertising works!

"College" scene, complete with giant soda and boom box.

Well, I was asked to make a giant poster and some sandwich style signs for the PTA fundraiser. Had to get it done by yesterday evening and, as usual, I waited until the last minute.  I spent all of yesterday working on things.  I had gotten a lot of help starting out on Saturday from a friend, but there was a lot left to do. Anyhow, I was laboring away and turned on some music.  With the acrylic paint and the metal ruler out I was transported back to college- well, college with two antsy kids getting underfoot.  Then Daddy took the kiddies away to go swimming for a few hours.  I turned the music up loud and even put on The Smiths, my high school sweethearts.  I was really feeling it, singing along loudly- and realized, I hadn't been in this situation for a long time!  Blasting music, painting and totally alone- immersed in art.  Even though I was painting giant chocolate chip cookies and coffee mugs- it still felt great.  Either that's really sad or somewhat inspiring.  If I only had a little room- no!- building, of my own, what could I do? Besides paint giant chocolate chip cookies of course.  When the family got home, Hazel said "It sounds like you're having a party in there!" 

Update:  Saw the safety patrol kids in car line this morning wearing their signs, they were so cute and all the PTA moms were waving at me appreciatively. Nice!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Observations of the Morning

How'd you like some frozen peas to go with that pile of bread you've got there?
  • I don't like bare floors. I always feel like there are crumbs under foot. I need a rug to alleviate that feeling and to wipe the crumbs on.
  • I don't have any rugs down because of my incontinent cat. I put down washable ones occasionally, but she immediately targets them. Annoying.
  • I don't like it when my children squeal and squawk in dismay. It sends my blood pressure up. Hazel is home today sick. Although from the sounds of it, she isn't that sick.
  • I have accomplished more this morning than I expected. Doing laundry twice a week isn't so bad, eh?
  • My hair was cut a wee bit too short this weekend. But it will grow fast.
  • I need to clean my major appliances as a major appliance check up is happening this Friday. Time to dust under the fridge. Last time a repair guy was under there he asked how many cats we had and were we missing any?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What a Show!

Just found this on Netflix. How could I have never heard of this extravagance? Dig those wild costumes and hair! Shirley MacLaine! Paul Newman! Gene Kelley! Dick Van Dyke! Robert Mitchum! Dean Martin! A chimp named Frieda and Parisian Beatniks who are real Hepcats! This clip is more than I can handle. Let out a gasp when I saw Shirley on Robert Mitchum's shoulders while waterskiing.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What I did on the first day of school

My favorite corner with baby dolls.

More collections encased in cabinet.

This might be where it gets out of hand.
But we love books, and paper dolls, and...

Vintage valentines and cute vintage animal ceramics.

This was Mark's grandmother's shoe holder, now it holds tiny animals.
And I just discovered, you can click on the pictures to see the details, if you are so inclined.

Yesterday was Hazel's first day of second grade. I was up and at 'em by 6:30 a.m. Then after dropping her off and going to a school program, I arrived back at home alarmingly full of energy. I don't know why. I have had the entire summer to get stuff done. Instead, we were determined to have the laziest summer ever. I had so much energy and the day seemed to stretch out endlessly before me before school let out. I think I was trying to distract myself from feeling sad. Without any plan- I went into the girl's room and rearranged things, hung pictures that have been sitting around for two years and cleaned under the beds! I also semi-rearranged the closet (this is much more taxing than one burst of energy can tackle.) I was pleased with my accomplishments by the end. Where was Lilah? She is so cool, she just hung out with me and gave me her 2 year old opinion occasionally.

I fear that I have passed on my pack rat ways to my children. Well, actually I know I have, no unknown fear here. It might be because of the jam packed arrangements of stuff I have in their room. This room is not big, but I have managed to cram collection after collection in there. I think it may be too much. But it sure is lots of eye candy. The girls seem to like it, and I do too. I guess that's what matters. I have no idea what I am going to do with all this stuff when the girls decide to decorate on their own. I pray that they won't want to plaster the walls with some flavor of the month tween star or big purple unicorns. So far we have stayed away from all that. We are pure little baby girl right now! And sadly, these pictures are only of one wall of the room, there are three more. But, I swear, not as crammed! They have to have beds to sleep in for goodness sake.

Rainy Fay

What to do on a rainy day?  School was cancelled today due to Tropical Storm Fay.  Too formal, let's just call her Fay.  Anyway.  It hasn't been the scary, windy sort of day I was expecting.  Just a bit dark and gloomy with occasional downpours.  I think we have every light on in the house- it seems awfully bright in here.  I don't know how it came to me sewing tiny sleeping bags and making a tent for the doll house crew. But it all got crazy when I went outside in the rain for twigs to make a tiny fire for marshmallow roasting.  We had fun setting up scenes and taking pictures.  Back to school tomorrow!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Market Research

I don't know if I mentioned this but last month I was recruited to be in a focus group.  I answered the phone one day and this dude started asking me questions.  I was a bit bored so I thought- why not? I was suspicious, thinking he was selling me something of course, but it turned out to be a focus group.  The real catch was the $75 they promised me.  Just to sit in a room with a bunch of other women and talk about amendments to our state constitution and how they would appear on the ballot come fall.  It was fun, although I did feel like a bit of a dumb bunny at some points.  

Anyway, I signed up to receive emails from this company Schlesinger and Assoc. to try to earn some more easy money.  They email me all the time, but I don't usually fit the criteria, I'm not a teenager or latino or chew tobacco (really- a focus group on chew?) But the other day an email came that asked if I like to entertain in my home-- oh, do I? So I called up and got asked a bunch of questions related to bakeware and how often I entertain (I may have upped the numbers just a smidge.)  Do I have birthday parties? Yes. How about poker parties? Yes. Do you have cook outs? Yes. Is it important to you that your kitchen tools match your kitchen? I guess.  What is the most important goal in your life? Huh? They had to punch in some "algorithms" and called me back to let me know I qualified. So I'm going to a two hour market research study, right down the street and I'll get paid $100 this time.  Plus I might get to eat some food!  I think it's going to be about bakeware- because they only asked about that kitchen item.  Maybe I'll get to see some new fangled bakeware that they are researching. If they only knew what a sucker I am for any sort of "new" products.  If you like- you can go to their website and sign up, you might be able to take part in studies in your area.  I sound like an ad.

A sure sign

Back to school, originally uploaded by bossamama.

It's back to school time. Didn't I just blog about the last day of school? That went fast. Of course. Dig these socks, they are so very cute.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who's 7?

This baby is now 7.

These last few days of summer have been spinning by fast.  Been trying to squeeze every last bit out so that we won't regret missing anything.  Lilah and I sure will miss Hazel when she goes back to school.  We'll just be rattling around the house until she gets home again each day.  Since I last blogged she turned 7.  Hard to believe.  August is a month of grand memories and always causes me to pause and revel in them.  My rolly-polly little baby, now all arms and legs and always ready with a charming smile or little quip.  She's wise and patient beyond her years- but still a little girl who cries when she bumps her head.  Not growing up too fast, I think she seems to be going at just the right rate. She walks away without looking back- I think- until I catch her peeking over her shoulder to make sure I'm still there. She has strong opinions and is slowly moving from our little family to explore the world on her own.  Chubby little rolly-polly baby of mine.

Anniversary #17

Hello, from 20 years ago. 
Gosh, we were pretty.  Met in 1988, married August 10, 1991. Two cross country moves, six residences, four cats, two babies later, me with the same haircut, Mark no longer blonde-  spending our 17th  Anniversary at IKEA with our little daughters and their friend. Romance is all in the head.  

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Did everyone get married in August?

Our anniversary is coming up and so it seems is everyone else's!  Lora just missed the August date, she always has to be different.  But I have two other close friends who got married (to separate men of course- this isn't a Big Love situation) on August 3rd.  Can you guess which one had her reception at this beautiful place?

Busy, Busy, Busy

This must be sung to the tune of "Money, Money, Money" from ABBA.  Saw Mamma Mia the other night with Lora.  It was a gorgeous mess of a movie.  The ages and times were all messed up.  But you could forgive it all for the beautiful Greek scenery- especially the church on the top of a little rocky island- amazing!  And the exuberant Meryl Streep who just went wild through the whole movie.  It was very fun- reminded me of a classic movie with lots of singing and no sense.  And we saw at least one woman completely dancing in her seat, shimmying her shoulders and everything- alone no less!  

This week I am completely busy preparing for Hazel's 7th birthday party.  Started out simple, got complicated fast! Well, actually I have to say I am the most organized I have ever been so far.  Already have all the stuff purchased, except for food.  On a tight schedule to make sure I get it all done on Friday, since the party starts at 10:30 AM on Saturday.  I had to have it that early to beat the heat.  Plus everyone will be gone by the afternoon and I can take off to Greece, just like I planned!  I wonder if anyone will notice if I leave for a few days?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Anniversary L & A

Happy Anniversary Lora and Andy!
I can't believe a whole year has passed, cheers to you both!

Happy Birthday Donya!

Here are the lyrics- I've never quite been able to make them out- sing along! 
(but don't try to figure them out)
happy birthday in a hot bath
To those nice
nice nights.
I remember always
always I got such a fright.
Seeing them in my dark cupboard with my great big cake.
If they were me
if they were me
And I was you and I was you -
If they were me and I was you
Would you have liked a present too.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a neat place this is

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." Marcel Proust

Okay, I'm not going to lie and pretend to know much about Proust. Even though I graduated with a Humanities degree- somehow Proust was missed. I'll be sure to look him up soon. I actually found this quote on a card that I bought at my dear friend Diana's shop. I intended to give it to someone as a proper thank you card, but of course I never did and it is hanging on my bulletin board instead. But I do like the quote- very simple. I thought it was appropriate for the way I'm thinking at the moment.

I've enjoyed so much putting together this blog and it's been quite a fun diversion- maybe too much! But it has helped me establish and sort of organize my identity a little bit. You tend to get lost in the everyday housework, the kids overwhelming life forces, things pulling you in every direction. You become someone's mom, whose name no one ever remembers or who isn't recognized without a child attached. I do enjoy this life as mom and household engineer, but it's nice to blow off steam and have some fun here.

I also have been so excited that my friends have been enjoying this place. I do it for you too. I'm excited to be able to have these chats- even if they are one way a lot of times. I know you're out there! I miss you all that are so far away, and even the ones that are right down the street. We are all so busy these days it's hard to make time for each other. The internet is such an amazing place. You hear all the bad stuff regularly, but I think it's a wonderful and amazing thing. Imagine, you read a book and enjoy it- you feel as if you've become the author's friend. So you find her blog and leave her a note- and amazingly enough she writes you back the next day! What a cool little world this has become!

Thanks for being my friends, old and new.

Banana cake not bread

Banana cake, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Okay, I've gone on a bit of a dessert mania. I made dessert last night and tonight. I rarely do that. Last night I made blueberry cobbler, using the recipe from Deborah Madison's "Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone" - that I've had for a thousand years. Her recipes always are a bit complicated, or maybe I just have a hard time reading them. I was reading and re-reading and really it was just a simple recipe. It turned out very good, but mostly because of the marvelous blueberries, who doesn't like warm, gushy fruit? 

Anyhow, I decided tonight that I had to absolutely use up the dying bananas, instead of throwing them away as usual. I used to have this amazing banana bread recipe, it tasted more like cake, it was smooth and light- not dense like most banana breads. But, I can't find that recipe, so I Googled 'banana cake." I soon discovered this recipe and website, which of course was calling to me across the ether to find it! The author is David Lebovitz- who I had never heard of but should have. He has a very, very nice website with some fantastic recipes and beautiful photography and he lives in Paris! I'm very excited about it, can you tell? So anyhow- I printed up the recipe lickity-split and stood in my kitchen and churned this baby out. Wow! What a nice texture, firm, not dry, very spongy. The addition of the chocolate chips and the whipped cream sent it over the edge. We all enjoyed it greatly, even Lilah who ate some of the cake instead of just licking off the cream!  I used the Ghirardelli 60% cocoa chips- they are divine- be sure to use very little, they pack a powerful wallop of chocolate taste- not so sweet. I thought they would be better than the super sweet waxy ones I had in the pantry and not add to the super sweetness of bananas. I was right! 

Please try it if you like banana bread- it is very easy and you will not be disappointed. And as the author points out, these are not high in fat or other bad stuff. I do love his take on the difference between muffins and cakes and how people insist muffins and sweet breads are healthier- but really just the same thing in a different form.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

True Confession

The big mess, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Lest you think I have a really neat house, this is what it looks like for real. That last picture was an extreme close-up. This is all the laundry from last night unfolded and exploded all over the living room and the lunch dishes still on the table at 5 pm. Now it will be a mad dash to get it all back in order before Mark gets home. Don't want him to think I spent all day on the computer!

Take a peek

Birdie S & P, originally uploaded by bossamama.

You know, I still think like a merchandiser. Even though it's been a million years since I did windows at a Hallmark store and a Linens 'n Things (Hello, this is Linens 'n Things, we have lots of nice things at lots of nice prices!- they made us say that when answering the phone.) the merchandising bug stayed with me. (As well as all my best friends that I met at both of those work places!) I have certain areas of my home where I have things on display as if it was a store. Nobody ever touches these things, they just sit there and collect multiple layers of dust. But occasionally, I'll remember to look at them and think- oh, yeah, I have some neat things! Here's a few...

My favorite birdie S & P shakers from Missouri, a very old mixing bowl and wisk from my Nana, a Swiss trivet from Alex and Kendra, a 1944 edition of "The Joy of Cooking" from my Grandma Betty, a hand painted wood Hawaii S & P shaker from the Ritzie's, and a rubber pea-pod dog squeeze toy that I could not resist from the lean days in college. Oh, and the blue book is called "The Way to a Man's Heart- Your Gas Range Cookbook" from a trip to Kansas. It's a real hoot, I'll have to scan it in separately soon, along with a few recipes.

French by Heart

I am reading the most enchanting, wonderful book right now.  It's called "French By Heart" written by Rebecca S. Ramsey.  It's a memoir of her time spent living in France with her 3 young children, husband and old cat.  It takes place in the early 2000's.  I totally relate to it in so many ways.  First off she is obsessed with France and the charming villages, the history, the culture, etc. Her French isn't great and she is speaking it with a South Carolina accent (can you imagine?) Then there's the travails of school, but this time mixed with the language barrier and the chain smoking, snobbish teachers.  What I most relate to is her older neighbor, who is constantly watching her house, dispensing advice and generally bossing her around.  I laugh the hardest at those moments.  She is admonished for her gardening and housekeeping (check), given so much advice on raising children the French way (check- but different culture) and surprised to have strange pills forced into her mouth without warning (I have had strange food pushed into my mouth without warning.)  She is poked and prodded and her house is invaded by this neighbor- she is constantly subjected to rants about the right way to do things.  The big difference is that her neighbor is across the street, with full viewing privileges of her house. Mine is next door and I am only on display as I enter the yards.  I have been known to take a step out, see activity in the next door yard and hightail it back inside.  The author can't even walk around in her house without being watched!  I got this from the library, but I think I might buy it- I can see myself wanting to read it again.  

Ye Olde Malle Shoppe

I loved these little containers, they had sweet little ceramic spoons inside. I can't buy things like this anymore. I have too many trinkets and my house is quite size restricted.
I love these aprons and the colors. It's the prints and the edging that get me. I would want to wear these all the time and that just might look silly.

Went to Anthropologie for an injection of inspiration the other day. Is it sad that I am inspired by a company's well thought out retail plan? I realize that there are people who sit around in a room and try to decide how to appeal to a certain population who will fall for this concept and spend lots of money. I don't actually spend money at Anthropologie- so I guess I'm not being completely hoodwinked. But boy, if I did have money, I would spend it there for sure! They pick out the most amazing fabrics and designs for their clothes. I am totally enchanted by their whole vintage/world market style, I'd really like to live in the store itself. The creative displays are a reason enough for me to check out the store. Once there was a huge pile of mattresses loaded with all their latest bed coverings- a la Princess and the Pea. Another time there were hundreds of bars of Ivory soap nailed to the wall in the shape of a wave. Unfortunately, there were no exciting displays this time, as they were getting ready to start new ones. There was even a note on the door apologizing- they obviously know some people come to see them. I was so excited last year that I got to buy my maid of honor dress for Lora's wedding there- the only time I paid full price! Otherwise I limit myself to trinkets that have been marked down. I bought nothing the other day- couldn't find anything in my $5 limit- but I did take some pictures. I was having a good time in the store- you might say I was in sort of a reverie. Until I was rushed back to reality when I heard a giant splash of ice and drink and turned to see my daughters with shocked looks on their faces. Thank goodness nothing got hit with sticky Coke and the sales clerk was very nice about it. I was trying to find ideas for my house. I'm really tired of my red dining room. It's been almost 8 years and it's starting to wear on me. Stay tuned, we'll see if I actually do anything about it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm tired, but Betty Hutton isn't

If you stopped by my house in the late 90's, you would know that I was fairly obsessed with this song.  I'm so excited to have found it on Youtube and to present it here for your enjoyment-or maybe just mine.  I think that this week disappeared in some sort of elaborate magic trick, I don't know where it went. I haven't blogged all week and this evening I am very tired. I had lots of ideas for things to write, but they all flew out of my head as soon as I got out of the shower each day.  So, here's Betty, she's a real doll.  If you'd like to see her in full comedic action, check out the movie "The Miracle of Morgan's Creek."

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Yummy Fish

Yummy, originally uploaded by bossamama.

I used to be a full-on vegetarian. But during my first pregnancy, I had this uncontrollable urge to eat fish. Ever since then the whole family has eaten fish along with me. After many years and many freaked out moments (I still have a hard time with the whole this was once alive thing) I have learned many ways to cook tasty fish. My darling husband tells me he likes my fish more than any restaurant's. It's actually the easiest thing to cook, now that I know how. Here is a recipe I have been stuck on lately, you can use just about any kind of fish, I think. I usually use tilapia or salmon. I got it off the internet, but adapted it a bit and now just do it from memory. I changed it enough to make it my own. If you can even call it a recipe, it's so simple.

Panko Fish
You need a fish filet of some sort or several if small
Also need:
Panko bread crumbs (panko are better than regular-trust me)
Dijon mustard
Olive Oil
Trusty S +P
All you have to do is stir about a 1/3 cup of panko crumbs (adjust according to size of fish) up with some S+P and about a tablespoon of olive oil (or enough to coat the panko nicely) in a small bowl. Next, spread a layer of mustard over the top of the fish which will be nestled in some sort of dish. Put the panko/oil mixture on top of the fish, mush it down in a nice thick, even layer over the fish that is facing up (don't worry about the bottom.) Then put it in a 400 degree oven for however long your particular fish needs to cook. (Could be 10 minutes or 20- depending how thick.) You can check by inserting a knife into fish to see if it's done. The layer of mustard leaves the fish very tender under the panko and has a nice flavor. You can also mix various spices in with the mustard or panko. Experiment! You can also substitute mayonnaise for a different taste and more calories.

Let me know if you try it!

I married a mad scientist

He's crazy! But really, he was just awarded another patent (along with colleagues) for a very complicated laser contraption that is already in use. If you want to see his official patent click on the link above. I'm very proud of him, even if I don't quite understand the things he makes. He can always answer my math and science questions with ease!

Falling Down

It's always scary when a child falls and hits her head.  But two times within a few days?  Sunday, we decided to check out our friends' church.  We were leaving and chatting and Lilah was toddling down the sidewalk with Spiderman in one hand and two tiny panda bears in the other. Suddenly she tripped and fell flat on her face, not letting go of her toys.  We all heard the smack as her little head hit the sidewalk!  Immediately a huge blue bump appeared on her forehead. It was a panicky moment- Lilah screamed, ice was found and people buzzed around.  I was afraid to let her take her nap that afternoon, fearing she had a concussion.  She was fine of course, and the next day the bump and bruise were hard to see, crisis over! 

Yesterday, I put her to bed for her nap, was walking back to enjoy my lunch and heard a strange thump.  Mother radar caused me to run to her room, where I found her laying on her back in front of her crib!  Her mouth was open in a silent scream, that was slowly forming into a shriek heard round the world.  She had leaned forward in her crib- with the side down- and I guess did a total flip to land on her back.  It was a scary moment for both of us.  Again, I was worried about concussion and didn't want her to go to sleep.  I didn't know if she lost consciousness, even for a second, since I wasn't there.  But after she calmed down, she seemed fine, except for a bitten lip.  

But still, I looked up head injuries in books and online. I talked to Mark on the phone, who was not worried. I knew if I called the pediatrician, it was going to end up in the ER.  When she was about 9 months, she fell out of a chair and landed on the ceramic tile face first.  I called then, and they said they could only send us to the ER.  There, she was strapped to a table for a cat-scan, held down for x-rays and irritated beyond belief by having to wait for hours.  And of course, everything was fine.  After her fall yesterday, after she turned into Monster Lilah for lack of a nap, I put her back in her crib to let her sleep. (With the side pulled up!) She woke up later, fine and dandy.  Babies and children are built for falling I guess. Mom's just aren't built for not worrying and for always fearing the worst.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Am I really 40?

Went to the library today and ran across a book called "40 over 40." It was all about how to dress when you pass 40. It just freaked me out a bit. I know I'm not supposed to wear what teenagers are wearing, but do I really have to change my whole wardrobe now that I'm 40? Is 40 really middle aged? (I guess I'm not going to live to be 150, so yes.) But middle age has such a connotation- crisis and all that. Am I to be lumped over the 40 hump now? No longer able to commiserate with my under 40 friends? I have young children. I still feel young, I don't feel like I fit into that category yet. I still feel slightly hip. I don't know if I look very hip, but I like to try, without being silly. Maybe I'm just fooling myself. I hate being pigeon-holed according to age. But hey there's always Sarah Jessica Parker, I bet she never read a book like this.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Vote for English Gardens!

If you know me, you know Lora, so why don't you vote for her business as Best Wedding Venue? She's a swell gal and she deserves it for knocking herself out every weekend for the last 16 years putting on the best weddings and parties in town!  Click on the title above to vote.

Take a smoke break with Jacques

I haven't blogged all week!  Been busy overhauling the house. I've been listening to French 60's music. Mostly women, but then this guy showed up-Jacques Dutronc, who manages to stay very cool in this video while surrounded by ridiculousness. So 60's, so very French, so not 4th of July.  IF you have not discovered Scopitones (videos for jukeboxes from the 60's) for yourself, let me introduce you.
You can find more here:

Friday, June 27, 2008

My yard, not so pretty

I think this about a third of the giant oak tree that was cut down today, it was very tall.

Half a grapefruit tree anyone?  I don't know why they just cut half and moved on to the other.

This is your cue to start humming the theme song to "Sanford and Son."

Ah, it's been a trying day. Hearing massive limbs hit the ground and the constant whir of chain saws does tend to wear on you. The guys left for the day and what a mess they left behind. Two massacred trees and the junk that was in our fallen shed. We get to spend the weekend with it. Thought about taking that little claw fellow for a joyride around the yard, but I would probably end up clawing the side of the house and getting trapped. 

The oak went down with a huge thud- the diameter of the trunk was 4 feet. There were a few sacrifices as it fell, some flowers, some hedges, a possibly maimed bird and some eggs. (The tree guy felt bad.)  But it was a dangerous tree. Any minute it could have come to life and rampaged the neighborhood. Sorry, that just came to mind when I said it was dangerous. One of its huge limbs fell a few weeks ago and broke the roof on our nice neighbor's shed.  And it certainly wasn't a beautiful thing- it had been chopped in half years ago by us in an attempt to rejuvenate it, which didn't work. There are so many trees around that area, that you can't even tell it's gone. Except for the giant carcass laying in our yard. 

The not-so-nice other neighbor had requested that his fence be rebuilt over the tree stump (which they already did) and he left town this week, so when he gets back he'll see nothing. It will be like it never happened for him. Meanwhile, our yard looks like a bomb hit it. He's right about us having a sh*t yard now. (Yes, that's one of the nice things he said in one of his rants.) But we shall persevere and get things back into shape. We have so much space now! Plus a little justice was served when the rats living in the shed (the whole reason we were getting rid of it and the grapefruit tree- their food source) probably scattered into his yard away from all the ruckus in ours. 

We, however, were mightily prepared for a possible invasion with a pest control service who put our house on rat-lockdown and set out traps along the perimeter of our yard. Unfortunately urban Florida is a haven for them, they love the citrus and warm weather- I guess.  We've never taken a stand with them in the past, live and let live we'd say.  But they were out of control and living in our shed like it was their own personal condo.  I was afraid to go back there.  They were not my friends.  I'm very thankful for our cats right now.  In fact, just to prove her prowess (and perhaps calm my fears of an indoor unwanted visitor) Minnie caught a black snake in the garage for me! Which I had to sweep up and carry outside, lest it get loose in the house. Joy!

I've had enough of snakes, rats, and noisy tree men for the day.  I need to visit a very pristine, quiet place with no nature for a few hours.

Monday, June 23, 2008

P-nut Butter Cookies

P-nut butter cookies, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Made these last Thursday from a great recipe from Martha. They have the best texture, fluffy and crunchy at the same time.  And it's fun to make the crosshatches!  Watch out, this recipe makes a lot of cookies! I freeze half of the dough after rolling them into little balls. (You might also cut the recipe in half.) Click on the title to get the recipe. I didn't get it from martha. com because all the recipes listed were different from the one I had. There are many different ways to make a peanut butter cookie, my friends. This one matches mine from the magazine, even though she doesn't credit Martha. She'd better watch out! You don't mess with an ex-con.


As those who know me may be aware, my husband is a reformed LEGO enthusiast. We have a closet full of bricks and catalogs to prove it.  He does still enjoy building occasionally and has supplied the girls with a nice amount of their own bricks- but has not remained as dedicated as his best friend, James.  James has turned his enthusiasm into a successful sideline.  Click on the title above to read his latest delightfully written article on LEGO trains. Keep on brickin' James!

George Carlin

Geroge Carlin. Loved listening to my mom's records when I was a kid. The drug references flew over my head, but always enjoyed the bits I did get. One of my favorites that I still think of today... "A freak accident happened on the highway today--four freaks in a bus hit two freaks in a van." Of course, I still didn't get the freak reference, but I did know freaks were supposed to be funny somehow. I'm sure he helped form my sense of humor. I broke out the George Carlin record at my 16th birthday party, it was a big hit. George did seem to get bitter as he aged, but a lot of people do. This picture reminds me of my childhood for so many reasons.  

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tree Removal Drama

Going to have a huge oak removed from the back next week. I would be sad about it, but it's got to go.  It's dangerously tall and half rotten.  It could fall on one of three houses in a storm, one of them being ours.  Had some neighborly disputes over where exactly the workmen were going to do the chopping.  For some reason our back neighbor really thinks he and his yard are superior to us and our yards.  He's extremely rude and outlandishly aggressive about the whole thing.  He had a yelling match with our other neighbor. My husband played peacemaker, sweetheart that he is.  I am so anti-confrontational.  It all makes me nervous.  I'm glad I wasn't there, I would have burst into tears like a baby and run away.  But hopefully it will all go smoothly and we'll get a few benefits, mostly freedom from fear of a big tree crashing on our house!

More From the Garden

Mushroom Cup, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Here's a little gift left by the fairies. I've never seen a mushroom like this! It's top sloped in like a dish and it held water. It was rather large too. A small bird could take a bath in it, well, a really small bird. I'm fascinated and also somewhat repelled by mushrooms. They seem to hold secrets in all their little folds. Secrets, or scary things that will pop out and bite you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I was just thinking...

Gnome Thinker, originally uploaded by bossamama.

If you come to my house, this guy is waiting right by the door. But you might miss him, he's quite small, parked in the ficus tree pot.  He kinda reminds me of David Sedaris.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's Growing in the Garden

Here are some things growing in the yard around my house.  Some of them were here before, most were planted by me...

Crepe Myrtle, I would have picked a lilac variety, but this will do.  The new buds are lovely...

Mexican Sage.  A prolific perennial, I have it in several spots. I love the lavender flowers.

Bleeding Heart-via the south.  This is different than the Bleeding Heart that grows most other places.  This vines up my front porch and receives constant comments.

Lovely tomatoes.  I believe these are the Roma grapes.  Grow like the grapes, but bigger than the tiny ones.  Good thing I planted these, huh?

Gee, can't remember the name, but believe it is a butterfly bush of some sort.  Moved it around and found the perfect spot, it has shot up to almost 5 feet tall this year! Update: It's called Fire Bush- thanks Jen!  Fire Bush, ha ha ha.  A little late for that.


Went to try on bathing suits a few weeks ago. Always an interesting experience, this time towing the two girls along. As I viewed myself in the mirror I said to myself "This one looks kind of old." Hazel asked me what I meant, I told her it made me look like an older person and I didn't want to look like that. So, kind girl that she is announced as I tried on the next suit "That one makes you look like you're 10!" After I laughed, she then she started gaging each one, "That one makes you look 50! That one makes you look 39!" It made a usually distressing outing very fun.

Monday, June 16, 2008


hoffman, originally uploaded by bossamama.

I actually finished a book. In 3 days no less. It meant not getting a few things done around the house. But it was worth it. Had that feeling I used to get over the long summers as a kid when I would read a new book everyday, stay up all night reading, go back to the library to stock up on more. Thanks Mom for giving me a book that could bring that feeling back. And what a dreamy, heartbreaking book it is- worth every moment. Skylight Confessions by Alice Hoffman.  Try not to read any descriptions, or you won't get to enjoy the surprises.  It shocks me how much people give away in reviews sometimes!  But be warned it can be a sad book.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008

Bad Cat

Bad Cat, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Mickey the cat makes me very angry. Here he is all nonchalant while dirtying up our dining room table. Who knows what happens in the night. It can't be good.

We had a busy, busy weekend spending time with our great friends from Missouri. Time opens up in front of you endlessly when you first meet, then suddenly it's all over and back to everyday life. I have to start implementing some structure to our summer days or there are going to be 3 angry females at the end of each day.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Got my face back

Got my hair cut today after waiting for months. It was grown out and out of shape, it was just going to pasture on my head. I didn't realize how much my hair effects my whole body. I stand up straighter, I look people in the eye and my face looks different, I swear. It was like it was hidden before. And my grey hair is not nearly as noticeable. I don't even think I will color it, it almost looks like cool little highlights. Longer grey hair on me looks messy and sad. My extra cool hair dresser only charged me $25! He said I was the special of the day. He's very nice. And he's cut down on using the "f" word. He now just says "f". But he still calls me dude a lot. Which I find amusing. Rather be a dude than a ma'am!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bossa Nova Queen

Inspired by another blog, I'm bringing one of my favorite singers here for your listening pleasure -- Elis Regina singing "Águas de Março" circa early 1970's

I'm dedicating this to Kendra! Welcome Baby!

The Day After

Tablecloth, originally uploaded by bossamama.

The girls were supposed to let me sleep in. I guess they did by an hour. Finally rambled out of bed then was surprised by the ring of the doorbell. We all forgot about the life insurance nurse arriving to give an exam. Embarrassing pajama/bird's nest hair door-answering ensued. Of course I had also boycotted kitchen cleaning yesterday and the house was a bit of a mess.

Last night went out to eat very late. Decided to make it a tradition the last day of school to take the children out to dinner embarrassingly late- 9pm to be exact. We closed the restaurant down along with another family with a young child- embarrassment erased (we left before they did!) Out in the parking lot had an interesting experience. H. was dutifully waiting near the car-standing very still while I loaded up Little L. It took a while so I told H. to go around to the other side of the car with Daddy so the lady who was parked right next to us could back out. I motioned for the lady that it was clear. She then rolled down her window and yelled at me with a very mean voice "Maybe you should keep an eye on your kid!" Apparently the irate lady had had a bad date- I had heard her walking to her car and turning to her date sarcastically saying "Thanks for the great dinner!" Gee whiz.

Yesterday had the sewing bug still, made this tablecloth and a toss pillow cover from fabric I've had for years. I've simply been throwing the unsewn fabric on the table as a cloth. Which was okay except it had to be folded to fit and it was all frayed at the edges from multiple washings. Now maybe I'll go around and hem up all the raw edges in the house!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Run dear turtle!

Run dear turtle!, originally uploaded by bossamama.

An exquisite ceramic sculpture by H.

The last day of school

The last day of school, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Can't believe it's already here. The last day of first grade. Of course at the beginning of the year it seemed so far away. This school year turtles were sculpted, reading was perfected, math was a cinch, lots of friends were made. Her whole life is stretched out before her, the decisions are hers to make. Such a sweet, good little girl- I'm so happy to know her.

A gift

A gift, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Finally got the two tote bags done for H.'s teachers. The only trouble I had was with my sewing machine and dropped thread. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong, scheming how I could get a new fancy machine if this one was broken. I finally realized that the thread had dropped out at the top. I was relieved as I was only halfway done with the first one. It took me a few hours to put together the first one. The second one took about an hour of assembly and sewing. I'm going to make some more and see if I can sell them! I hope the teacher's like them.