Sunday, November 09, 2008

What goes with a faux-hawk?

How 'bout a busted top and bottom lip? Sounds like that would complete the ensemble. I've got them now, since Hazel accidently slammed her head into my mouth as we were both bending down to look at hermit crabs at Petsmart. I wasn't in some sort of punk rock mom rumble at a club. It hurt terribly bad and my lips were bleeding as we checked out with our cat food and litter. If I didn't feel like a weirdo already, that cinched it. Plus my hair doesn't really look like a faux hawk now, it just looks like I have a bad haircut. Which I guess is the same thing. Ha! Oh, I guess it's not that bad. Off to get dinner and laundry done...

1 comment:


I've gotten several busted lips from bonking heads with my kid, but he has given me SIX black eyes in his four years on the earth. The last one was kind of awesome--my entire right lid was deep purple. It was sorta punk. Like your hair.