Thursday, August 14, 2008

Market Research

I don't know if I mentioned this but last month I was recruited to be in a focus group.  I answered the phone one day and this dude started asking me questions.  I was a bit bored so I thought- why not? I was suspicious, thinking he was selling me something of course, but it turned out to be a focus group.  The real catch was the $75 they promised me.  Just to sit in a room with a bunch of other women and talk about amendments to our state constitution and how they would appear on the ballot come fall.  It was fun, although I did feel like a bit of a dumb bunny at some points.  

Anyway, I signed up to receive emails from this company Schlesinger and Assoc. to try to earn some more easy money.  They email me all the time, but I don't usually fit the criteria, I'm not a teenager or latino or chew tobacco (really- a focus group on chew?) But the other day an email came that asked if I like to entertain in my home-- oh, do I? So I called up and got asked a bunch of questions related to bakeware and how often I entertain (I may have upped the numbers just a smidge.)  Do I have birthday parties? Yes. How about poker parties? Yes. Do you have cook outs? Yes. Is it important to you that your kitchen tools match your kitchen? I guess.  What is the most important goal in your life? Huh? They had to punch in some "algorithms" and called me back to let me know I qualified. So I'm going to a two hour market research study, right down the street and I'll get paid $100 this time.  Plus I might get to eat some food!  I think it's going to be about bakeware- because they only asked about that kitchen item.  Maybe I'll get to see some new fangled bakeware that they are researching. If they only knew what a sucker I am for any sort of "new" products.  If you like- you can go to their website and sign up, you might be able to take part in studies in your area.  I sound like an ad.

A sure sign

Back to school, originally uploaded by bossamama.

It's back to school time. Didn't I just blog about the last day of school? That went fast. Of course. Dig these socks, they are so very cute.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who's 7?

This baby is now 7.

These last few days of summer have been spinning by fast.  Been trying to squeeze every last bit out so that we won't regret missing anything.  Lilah and I sure will miss Hazel when she goes back to school.  We'll just be rattling around the house until she gets home again each day.  Since I last blogged she turned 7.  Hard to believe.  August is a month of grand memories and always causes me to pause and revel in them.  My rolly-polly little baby, now all arms and legs and always ready with a charming smile or little quip.  She's wise and patient beyond her years- but still a little girl who cries when she bumps her head.  Not growing up too fast, I think she seems to be going at just the right rate. She walks away without looking back- I think- until I catch her peeking over her shoulder to make sure I'm still there. She has strong opinions and is slowly moving from our little family to explore the world on her own.  Chubby little rolly-polly baby of mine.

Anniversary #17

Hello, from 20 years ago. 
Gosh, we were pretty.  Met in 1988, married August 10, 1991. Two cross country moves, six residences, four cats, two babies later, me with the same haircut, Mark no longer blonde-  spending our 17th  Anniversary at IKEA with our little daughters and their friend. Romance is all in the head.