Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's Growing in the Garden

Here are some things growing in the yard around my house.  Some of them were here before, most were planted by me...

Crepe Myrtle, I would have picked a lilac variety, but this will do.  The new buds are lovely...

Mexican Sage.  A prolific perennial, I have it in several spots. I love the lavender flowers.

Bleeding Heart-via the south.  This is different than the Bleeding Heart that grows most other places.  This vines up my front porch and receives constant comments.

Lovely tomatoes.  I believe these are the Roma grapes.  Grow like the grapes, but bigger than the tiny ones.  Good thing I planted these, huh?

Gee, can't remember the name, but believe it is a butterfly bush of some sort.  Moved it around and found the perfect spot, it has shot up to almost 5 feet tall this year! Update: It's called Fire Bush- thanks Jen!  Fire Bush, ha ha ha.  A little late for that.


casa M said...

Is this it?


Bossamama said...

Yes! That's it! I knew it had something to do with butterflies- it attracts them! I'm so excited that the birds like to eat it's berries also. I haven't seen it with berries yet. And I think it's conditions may be "ideal" I'd better keep it in check lest it reaches it's full 15' height! Thanks for the link! Fire bush, cool!