Friday, June 06, 2008

Got my face back

Got my hair cut today after waiting for months. It was grown out and out of shape, it was just going to pasture on my head. I didn't realize how much my hair effects my whole body. I stand up straighter, I look people in the eye and my face looks different, I swear. It was like it was hidden before. And my grey hair is not nearly as noticeable. I don't even think I will color it, it almost looks like cool little highlights. Longer grey hair on me looks messy and sad. My extra cool hair dresser only charged me $25! He said I was the special of the day. He's very nice. And he's cut down on using the "f" word. He now just says "f". But he still calls me dude a lot. Which I find amusing. Rather be a dude than a ma'am!



Hi Corrie,
Thanks for visiting Material Girl and leaving a comment. It's nice to hear from you. I'll bookmark your blog and stop in often. (I read blogs while I eat breakfast.) Hope you and those most adorable little girls of yours have a wonderful summer.

Bossamama said...

Thanks for reading. I don't know if this gets back to you via this comment box? I'm new to this!

casa M said...

Don't we get to see a picture?