Saturday, May 09, 2009

Jar Mania

Candy Jar!

How can I take time to write about jars? I love a good jar. It is one of the simple things in life that makes me very happy. I guess that might be odd. When I see an empty jar, I thrill with the ideas of what I can jam into it. I love to see lots of little things gathered together in a kaleidoscope fashion. I like to see things, not put them in covered boxes and hide them away. So many things are pretty to look at- soap, candy, buttons and who can resist a jar full of googly eyes?

Bathroom Jars

Craft Room Jars

I save jars from spaghetti sauce, jelly, whatever looks interesting. I have a cabinet in my kitchen devoted to empty jars. Now that the girls are getting older I don't have to worry so much about having so much glass around. Although I am awfully clumsy and do break things occasionally. But I've cleaned up so many broken things, it doesn't scare me much anymore. Just sweep it up! Today as I was browsing Anna Marie Horner's blog I discovered her passion for jars as well and a link to a jar mecca that I previously did not know of. Now, it's just a matter of figuring out where else I can jam some jars into my house!

Pantry Jars

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