Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The State of My Household

Inspired by Tracy, who asked "Where do you keep your stuff?" in a Facebook posting yesterday, I took pictures of three different piles at my house.  The first is my desk.  The all purpose dumping spot for the entire family.  We have the camera bag, Hazel's notebook with homework piled on top, a hat from Tet, grocery bags atop dried up Play-doh, several bottles of cold medicine, and notes from the pediatrician.  Hazel has the flu and I'm keeping close tabs on everything and preparing for any event.  She's okay for now, but it does worry a person.  On my computer, the original post by Tracy and a photo of her pile.

The second pile is buried under the cat.  This is the buffet which is usually piled high with mail, homework, notices from school, Lilah's many, many art projects, library books, magazines.  I got out this nice basket to contain that pile, at least- I told myself- it wouldn't grow and take over the table.  Mickey immediately decided this would be his new bed.  He is a jerk.  No matter how many times I ask him, tell him, demand that he get out of it, he won't.  He also has fleas.  Which has caused me unending delight.  I have applied two applications of flea medicine to him and Minnie- the fleas have persevered. (I think this last dose may have gotten them.) We have been finding refugees from their fur around the house.  The fleas we find are lethargic and I'm sure on the way out.  But this morning when I discovered one dead and one barely living flea in Lilah's hair- I knew the problem had escalated.  Yes, my child had fleas- because the jerk cat broke into her room last night and slept in her bed.  The dying fleas migrated to her little head.  Today I have been stripping beds and vacuuming mattresses and mopping floors.  (Okay, all I've done so far is  super vacuum the couch.  It has been a busy day taking care of Hazel.) My cats are always indoors, how does this happen?

Next pile, boxes and boxes of Girl Scout Cookies came in yesterday, nowhere to put them except on the dining room table.  These have to be sorted and distributed by the weekend. When am I'm going to do this? Who knows.  Between fleas and fever, I am swamped.  And wouldn't you like to know that your Girl Scout Cookies were being handled in a flea and flu ridden household? Maybe I shouldn't be advertising this. Don't worry folks, they are sealed!!! Perfectly safe.

Now off I go to strip and vacuum! Which might sound fun under different circumstances than these. 

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