Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What I did on the first day of school

My favorite corner with baby dolls.

More collections encased in cabinet.

This might be where it gets out of hand.
But we love books, and paper dolls, and...

Vintage valentines and cute vintage animal ceramics.

This was Mark's grandmother's shoe holder, now it holds tiny animals.
And I just discovered, you can click on the pictures to see the details, if you are so inclined.

Yesterday was Hazel's first day of second grade. I was up and at 'em by 6:30 a.m. Then after dropping her off and going to a school program, I arrived back at home alarmingly full of energy. I don't know why. I have had the entire summer to get stuff done. Instead, we were determined to have the laziest summer ever. I had so much energy and the day seemed to stretch out endlessly before me before school let out. I think I was trying to distract myself from feeling sad. Without any plan- I went into the girl's room and rearranged things, hung pictures that have been sitting around for two years and cleaned under the beds! I also semi-rearranged the closet (this is much more taxing than one burst of energy can tackle.) I was pleased with my accomplishments by the end. Where was Lilah? She is so cool, she just hung out with me and gave me her 2 year old opinion occasionally.

I fear that I have passed on my pack rat ways to my children. Well, actually I know I have, no unknown fear here. It might be because of the jam packed arrangements of stuff I have in their room. This room is not big, but I have managed to cram collection after collection in there. I think it may be too much. But it sure is lots of eye candy. The girls seem to like it, and I do too. I guess that's what matters. I have no idea what I am going to do with all this stuff when the girls decide to decorate on their own. I pray that they won't want to plaster the walls with some flavor of the month tween star or big purple unicorns. So far we have stayed away from all that. We are pure little baby girl right now! And sadly, these pictures are only of one wall of the room, there are three more. But, I swear, not as crammed! They have to have beds to sleep in for goodness sake.

Rainy Fay

What to do on a rainy day?  School was cancelled today due to Tropical Storm Fay.  Too formal, let's just call her Fay.  Anyway.  It hasn't been the scary, windy sort of day I was expecting.  Just a bit dark and gloomy with occasional downpours.  I think we have every light on in the house- it seems awfully bright in here.  I don't know how it came to me sewing tiny sleeping bags and making a tent for the doll house crew. But it all got crazy when I went outside in the rain for twigs to make a tiny fire for marshmallow roasting.  We had fun setting up scenes and taking pictures.  Back to school tomorrow!