I don't know if I mentioned this but last month I was recruited to be in a focus group. I answered the phone one day and this dude started asking me questions. I was a bit bored so I thought- why not? I was suspicious, thinking he was selling me something of course, but it turned out to be a focus group. The real catch was the $75 they promised me. Just to sit in a room with a bunch of other women and talk about amendments to our state constitution and how they would appear on the ballot come fall. It was fun, although I did feel like a bit of a dumb bunny at some points.
Anyway, I signed up to receive emails from this company Schlesinger and Assoc. to try to earn some more easy money. They email me all the time, but I don't usually fit the criteria, I'm not a teenager or latino or chew tobacco (really- a focus group on chew?) But the other day an email came that asked if I like to entertain in my home-- oh, do I? So I called up and got asked a bunch of questions related to bakeware and how often I entertain (I may have upped the numbers just a smidge.) Do I have birthday parties? Yes. How about poker parties? Yes. Do you have cook outs? Yes. Is it important to you that your kitchen tools match your kitchen? I guess. What is the most important goal in your life? Huh? They had to punch in some "algorithms" and called me back to let me know I qualified. So I'm going to a two hour market research study, right down the street and I'll get paid $100 this time. Plus I might get to eat some food! I think it's going to be about bakeware- because they only asked about that kitchen item. Maybe I'll get to see some new fangled bakeware that they are researching. If they only knew what a sucker I am for any sort of "new" products. If you like- you can go to their website and sign up, you might be able to take part in studies in your area. I sound like an ad.