Saturday, August 15, 2009

Leading Ladies



I was doing some updating of my movie collection database when I ran across a picture of Joan Fontaine. I was reminded that she is the sister of Olivia de Havilland. In the Wikipedia article on Joan, it said the sisters were in an ongoing feud and haven't spoke to this day. Goodness, was I surprised to see that they are both still with us- at 91 and 93 years old. And Olivia is putting the finishing touches on her memoir, due this September! It's nice to see that not everyone I watch in my old movies is long gone. They are two of the last surviving movie stars of the 1930's.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Take a break with Marilyn

One of my latest acquisitions (via DVR), is the 1953 movie "Niagara" starring Joseph Cotten and Marilyn Monroe. A film noir in beautiful color. Wow, does this movie sparkle! And not just because of Marilyn, she has some competition in the beautiful landscape and intriguing shot set ups. It involves the weekend two couple's lives intersect at honeymoon cabins at Niagara Falls-the Canada side!

The plot is pretty simple, but the acting and directing are top notch. Although there is the stick-out-like-a-sore-thumb acting of Max Showalter, as the extremely dumb husband of a honeymooning couple. He's always asking silly questions and overlooking the obvious. But it does make his wife, played by Jean Peters, look even more intelligent and she is the one who figures it all out anyway. (Although you do wonder why such a smart cookie married such a dolt.)

This is one of my favorite Monroe movies because she's downright mean and treacherous and she doesn't use her baby voice all the time. I also love Joseph Cotten playing a husband who doesn't quite know how to handle the life he has with this tantalizing, but slippery creature. Watch Joseph Cotten break a record with his bare hands! Ouch! He does much worse later...

Favorite quotes from this scene:

"For a dress like that you gotta start laying plans when your about 13." Smart Cookie Jean

"You kinda like that song, dontcha Mrs. Lewis?" Dufus Husband

"There isn’t any other song." Unbelievably Sultry Marilyn

"You’re husband doesn’t seem to like music." Dufus Husband again!

Fun Fact: Just figured out why Max Showalter (dumb husband) seems so darn familiar! He plays Grandpa Fred in Sixteen Candles! "Why if it isn't Sammy Baker Davis, Jr!"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Favorite Quotes from today

"Looks like we’ve already filled our quota for women in your age group- thank you for your time."

Said to me by guy on phone doing a radio survey

SPF 75—Slathering oneself in a good SPF 75 says something to the world. It says, “I don’t mind spending a little extra if it means doing what’s right.” And “Clearly the health of my skin is more important to me than the health of your skin is to you, and, while that is sad, all I can do is lead, because I am a leader.”

from "A Guide to Summer Sun Protection" by Zev Borow

Butterfly through the window

Butterfly through the window, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Yesterday- August 10. Our picture window is more like a butterfly movie window. Yesterday, we watched dozens of butterflies landing and hanging out in the azalea bush under the window. It was amazing, we saw at least 4 different kinds of butterflies, almost always in pairs. Is it butterfly mating season?

Teevee machine cover

Teevee machine cover, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Yesterday-- made this to cover the metal shelf. Had a previous cover, was old, faded, torn, useless. This one has handy Velcro around top, easy access to Teevee machines! Remote works through fabric, yay! Clean and simple lines, need that in this clutter fest.

Through the arbor

Through the arbor, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Starting to blog with a picture a day. We'll call this one August 4. Hazel's 8th birthday.