Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tree Removal Drama

Going to have a huge oak removed from the back next week. I would be sad about it, but it's got to go.  It's dangerously tall and half rotten.  It could fall on one of three houses in a storm, one of them being ours.  Had some neighborly disputes over where exactly the workmen were going to do the chopping.  For some reason our back neighbor really thinks he and his yard are superior to us and our yards.  He's extremely rude and outlandishly aggressive about the whole thing.  He had a yelling match with our other neighbor. My husband played peacemaker, sweetheart that he is.  I am so anti-confrontational.  It all makes me nervous.  I'm glad I wasn't there, I would have burst into tears like a baby and run away.  But hopefully it will all go smoothly and we'll get a few benefits, mostly freedom from fear of a big tree crashing on our house!

More From the Garden

Mushroom Cup, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Here's a little gift left by the fairies. I've never seen a mushroom like this! It's top sloped in like a dish and it held water. It was rather large too. A small bird could take a bath in it, well, a really small bird. I'm fascinated and also somewhat repelled by mushrooms. They seem to hold secrets in all their little folds. Secrets, or scary things that will pop out and bite you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I was just thinking...

Gnome Thinker, originally uploaded by bossamama.

If you come to my house, this guy is waiting right by the door. But you might miss him, he's quite small, parked in the ficus tree pot.  He kinda reminds me of David Sedaris.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's Growing in the Garden

Here are some things growing in the yard around my house.  Some of them were here before, most were planted by me...

Crepe Myrtle, I would have picked a lilac variety, but this will do.  The new buds are lovely...

Mexican Sage.  A prolific perennial, I have it in several spots. I love the lavender flowers.

Bleeding Heart-via the south.  This is different than the Bleeding Heart that grows most other places.  This vines up my front porch and receives constant comments.

Lovely tomatoes.  I believe these are the Roma grapes.  Grow like the grapes, but bigger than the tiny ones.  Good thing I planted these, huh?

Gee, can't remember the name, but believe it is a butterfly bush of some sort.  Moved it around and found the perfect spot, it has shot up to almost 5 feet tall this year! Update: It's called Fire Bush- thanks Jen!  Fire Bush, ha ha ha.  A little late for that.


Went to try on bathing suits a few weeks ago. Always an interesting experience, this time towing the two girls along. As I viewed myself in the mirror I said to myself "This one looks kind of old." Hazel asked me what I meant, I told her it made me look like an older person and I didn't want to look like that. So, kind girl that she is announced as I tried on the next suit "That one makes you look like you're 10!" After I laughed, she then she started gaging each one, "That one makes you look 50! That one makes you look 39!" It made a usually distressing outing very fun.

Monday, June 16, 2008


hoffman, originally uploaded by bossamama.

I actually finished a book. In 3 days no less. It meant not getting a few things done around the house. But it was worth it. Had that feeling I used to get over the long summers as a kid when I would read a new book everyday, stay up all night reading, go back to the library to stock up on more. Thanks Mom for giving me a book that could bring that feeling back. And what a dreamy, heartbreaking book it is- worth every moment. Skylight Confessions by Alice Hoffman.  Try not to read any descriptions, or you won't get to enjoy the surprises.  It shocks me how much people give away in reviews sometimes!  But be warned it can be a sad book.