Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Our school may be closed, but then merged with the local middle school. This would be great news for us, continuing our language program and opening it up to more children. Not such good news for the middle school. It's curriculum would change drastically and many children would be rezoned to go to other schools.

It's a give and take. A bittersweet proposition. This economy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Love Neko Case

Neko Case creates the kind of music that must be listened to turned up loud. It's best blasting in a car on a moonlit night with all the windows open. The music echos and Neko's voice floats out on the wind. I would like to listen to it in a canyon or in the woods. It has a dark quality, but of a woman calling out letting us know she's still out there waiting. It causes me to try to be poetic.