Saturday, May 31, 2008

Space Shuttle

Space Shuttle, originally uploaded by bossamama.

It was 5:00 p.m. went back outside to work on yard, not noticing time. Heard blast off noise on my handy outdoor radio. Ran inside grabbed H. You want to see the Space Shuttle? Ran back outside. Look! there it is! Ran back inside to get camera. We can see the shuttle take off from our backyard! They're taking a Japanese science station and potty repair tools. Neato!

Our backyard

Our backyard, originally uploaded by bossamama.

With the newly excavated shady area and the super sonic sandbox, our yard is a must see destination!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Taco Night

test, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Every time I make tacos I think of my dear friend Lori, who taught me how to put sour cream in a baggie, cut a tiny hole in the corner and voila! - a handy sour cream dispenser. We like to use the lazy susan to eat tacos. Who is Susan and why was she so lazy?