My boyfriend.
It reminds me of a review I read of the Twilight movie- the critic supposed that teen girls love the vampire heartthrob character because he adores the girl character, but cannot have sex with her and she finds that ultimately non-threatening and romantic (as opposed to um- him being a blood sucking vampire?) But come to think of it, maybe that's why my "love" of Morrissey was so strong- he was safe. I knew that if I was caught alone with him, even though I might have wanted to totally make out with him or at least swoon- he wouldn't have touched a hair on my head. Gay and celibate- that's as good as a vampire to a girl. Oh, and then the fact that I could never possibly ever meet him.
What got me thinking about Morrissey? His new album- which is being heavily advertised right now. I have every Smiths album and the first few solo Morrissey albums that I still listen to frequently and can sing to by heart (it's in my DNA now- I'm sure my girls will know the songs too.) But somewhere around the mid 90's I lost track of my sweetheart and got involved with other bands, other genres of music, it became less about a late night companion to swoon over and more about really appreciating music. And maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was married to a real man.
So, today I went to Morrisey's website, inspired by Facebook and all that reconnecting with old friends. I listened to his new single- not knowing what to expect. And guess what? The music sounds exactly the same, his phrasing, his lyrics- still singing about the "absence of human touch." It's like he's in a time capsule! I don't know how to feel about it. Other artists from that era - such as David Byrne- have expanded and gone all over the place. But there's Morrissey, same hairstyle and haughty chin-up pose, just a little doughier around the jawline. Is it comforting or disturbing? The music is good- as I look back on other bands I was into- I realize that the Smiths were just a plain good band, they stand up to scrutiny. But my old boyfriend- he's caught in a time warp- rehashing his youth over and over. Should I be concerned? He seems happy, maybe I'll just let him be. We had some good times and he got me through some rough spots. I'll thank him for that. Next time I don't see him.
My boyfriend 20 years later.
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