This baby is now 7.
These last few days of summer have been spinning by fast. Been trying to squeeze every last bit out so that we won't regret missing anything. Lilah and I sure will miss Hazel when she goes back to school. We'll just be rattling around the house until she gets home again each day. Since I last blogged she turned 7. Hard to believe. August is a month of grand memories and always causes me to pause and revel in them. My rolly-polly little baby, now all arms and legs and always ready with a charming smile or little quip. She's wise and patient beyond her years- but still a little girl who cries when she bumps her head. Not growing up too fast, I think she seems to be going at just the right rate. She walks away without looking back- I think- until I catch her peeking over her shoulder to make sure I'm still there. She has strong opinions and is slowly moving from our little family to explore the world on her own. Chubby little rolly-polly baby of mine.
Those baby cheeks are so delicious I think I may faint!
What a cutie!
And thanks for your sweet comment about my baby flying the coop! Everyone always says it, but it's true: it happens so fast!
And she's still just as adorable. My how time flies. :)
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