Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What a Show!

Just found this on Netflix. How could I have never heard of this extravagance? Dig those wild costumes and hair! Shirley MacLaine! Paul Newman! Gene Kelley! Dick Van Dyke! Robert Mitchum! Dean Martin! A chimp named Frieda and Parisian Beatniks who are real Hepcats! This clip is more than I can handle. Let out a gasp when I saw Shirley on Robert Mitchum's shoulders while waterskiing.


Anonymous said...

I added this to my netflix too!

Bossamama said...

I just watched it and it's as crazy as it looks! Shirley MacLaine is so adorable and she changes outfits and wigs (and men) more times than you can count.


I love the '60s!

Bossamama said...

This movie is pure 60's craziness, you must see it!

casa M said...

goin' on my queue as well. That is just plain crazy.