Went to the library today and ran across a book called "40 over 40." It was all about how to dress when you pass 40. It just freaked me out a bit. I know I'm not supposed to wear what teenagers are wearing, but do I really have to change my whole wardrobe now that I'm 40? Is 40 really middle aged? (I guess I'm not going to live to be 150, so yes.) But middle age has such a connotation- crisis and all that. Am I to be lumped over the 40 hump now? No longer able to commiserate with my under 40 friends? I have young children. I still feel young, I don't feel like I fit into that category yet. I still feel slightly hip. I don't know if I look very hip, but I like to try, without being silly. Maybe I'm just fooling myself. I hate being pigeon-holed according to age. But hey there's always Sarah Jessica Parker, I bet she never read a book like this.
OMG--40 is the new 20! (She how I know abbreviations like those ever-texting little whipper snappers?)
You know there are old 40-yr-olds and there are young 40-yr-olds, and you and I are in category number two, my friend.
I have a deep love and repect for literature, but that book should be set ablaze. Tomorrow I'm wearing a mini skirt just to spite it. Hah!
I salute your mini skirt and it's spiting power.
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