Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sneak Peek

CIMG7885, originally uploaded by bossamama.

Been gone for quite a while again. This is the way of things, ebb and flow. I'm hoping to change the format here and have a little more interaction going. Need to work on my Flickr page as well and get it better linked, going to have to go ahead and pay for the darn thing. Been taking many, many pictures. This has been another tumultuous summer, but looking forward to an active, productive fall. Redecorating for me helps cleanse my cluttered mind. Have done quite a bit in the house... here is a preview.


Kendra said...

I love it! I too am struggling with the ebb and flow. I hate to admit it, though. It is my perfectionism, I suppose. Alex has done a lot in the house, too. I need to take pictures. We have lots of color and renovation now.

I love the redecorating!

Bossamama said...

I can't wait to show you more pictures! Will work on it this week.

Bossamama said...

I can't wait to show you more pictures! Will work on it this week.